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Counselling > Authorities

Which authority is responsible for what?

Authorities are nationwide or local administrative bodies who are the main contact for many issues of life in Germany. In many cases you have to visit the authorities in person, for example, to request something. Usually you will have written contact through letters that will be delivered to the address registered for you by mail. These letters, you must also answer in written form. Usually the authority will open a file with a file number and your personal data as well as the corresponding case. This reference number can be found in the letters addressed to you. Always give this number when replying to any letter or bring those letters with you to a personal appointment so that the processor can assign your case quickly. You are free to voice your concern to the authority orally however it might be better to write a letter. Letters from authorities and administration are always written in the official language German. As letters from authorities contain important information for you, this should be immediately opened, read and understood. Seek for help if you do not understand the content of a letter. In addition to the information these letters often include dates by which you must file a response.

Particularly for the registration in your current location you must promptly report to the authority. Everyone who lives in Germany has to be registered at a civil office at the place where they live. These registrations or re-registrations must be made within 14 days. If the application is made late, fines may be otherwise due.Here are some useful tips that you should keep in mind when dealing with authorities:

  • an employee of a public authority is not allowed to accept gifts
  • Please make sure that you have all the important documents on an appointment
  • Always try to be on time for appointments or cancel them well in advance if you cannot make it at the agreed time. If you miss an appointment without reason you are at risk of potentially serious consequences, such as the reduction of your funds
  • Make a copy of all important documents you need to hand over
  • It is important that you retain all documents and letters from authorities
  • You can appeal contradiction against all decisions of authorities. Since there is often only short periods, you should do so as soon as possible. Contact a counseling center, if that is necessary.
  • Please inform the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) immediately if you have a new address.
  • Consultation offices may assist you with advice and information but only authorities can make binding decisions.
  • It is common in Germany to address strangers or persons of respect with the formal "Sie".


How do I get to the counseling center for refugees?

Wie gelange ich zu einer Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge?

What are the opening times of the counseling center?

Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten der Beratungsstelle?

I would like to take advice.

Ich möchte gern Beratung in Anspruch nehmen.

When can I get a appointment?

Wann kann ich einen Termin bekommen?

What documents are required?

Was für Unterlagen werden benötigt?

Who should I contact if I need to reschedule?

An wen muss ich mich wenden, wenn ich den Termin verschieben muss?
